Year 6 very much enjoyed their recent visit to The Henry Moore Studios and Gardens in Perry Green, on the site of his family home and estate, which linked to the work we carried out in the Autumn Term.
When Apple unveiled the iPad in early 2010, they almost single-handedly rewrote people’s ideas of what a portable computing device was capable of – and sparked a tablet revolution.
The joy of reading has been ever present this week with our focus on World Book Day spreading across the entire week. With a visit from Mo O’Hara our Patron of Reading on Monday morning, all pupils and staff were...
On Wednesday Year 1 had a lovely day at Church Farm. We saw some animals and learned how to talk to turkeys! We spent time looking at goats, pigs, piglets, cows and their calves.
The positive effects of playing sport from a young age are not only physical. There are many benefits of participating in sport whilst at school and they will benefit many different areas of a child’s life, from a social aspect,...
On Tuesday, the enthusiastic students of Year 6 had the opportunity to work with a former parent to develop their entrepreneurial skills by creating a lemonade business for the day.