The #TeamDuncombe’s catering team, led by @_thomasfranks, has just wrapped up their annual baking competition for the children, and the entries were out of this world!

With the theme of ‘Coronation Pudding,’ the children rose to the occasion and whipped up some truly scrumptious creations. Chef Michael and his guest judges were blown away by the amazing quality and creativity of all the entries. The children really put their hearts and souls into their puddings, and it definitely showed in the final products.

After a tough (but delicious!) judging process, we’re thrilled to share with you the winners for both Lower and Upper School. The winning Upper School pudding will be served at the Year 6 Ritz evening later this term.

Congratulations to everyone who participated – you were all truly brilliant!

2023 Kings Coronation Pudding Competition
Congratulations to everyone who participated – you were all truly brilliant!

1 min 30 watch