Admissions Enquiries: 01992 414109
General Enquiries: 01992 414100

Inspection Reports

Aiming for excellence in everything we do

Both Duncombe School and Treetops Pre-School are inspected by the Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI). This involves a compliance inspection every 2-3 years and a full educational quality inspection between 3-6 years.

ISI Inspection Report 2022

Excellent in All Areas

In June 2022, Duncombe School and Treetop Pre-School received a full compliance inspection and an educational quality inspection. Both areas of the school were judged to be both fully compliant and excellent in all areas.

The full report can be downloaded below. P4-7 contains details of compliance, in which the school is judged to have met all standards. P8-13 contains details of educational quality, in which the school is described as excellent in all areas.

ISI Regulatory Compliance Inspection Report 2018

Regulatory Compliance Inspection

In 2018, Duncombe School and Treetop Pre-School received a Regulatory Compliance Inspection.

Both areas met the standards in the schedule to the Education Regulations 2014, following lesson observations, examining samples of pupils’ work and formal interviews with staff, pupils and governors.

Excellent inspection feedback

Duncombe School

Admissions Enquiries: 01992 414109
General Enquiries: 01992 414100