March 14, 2025
Friday 14th March
This past week has been a truly inspiring one, filled with curiosity, discovery, and exciting learning experiences! Our focus on STEM learning has been at the heart of our activities, with Pi Day in Mathematics and British Science Week taking centre stage under the theme of ‘Change and Adapt’.
Our Monday assembly launched the week with a thought-provoking discussion on the importance of understanding change and adapting—both in science and in life. The pupils made fantastic connections to Darwin’s studies, demonstrating their critical thinking skills and recognising how change is constantly present in nature, our environment, and advancing technology. It was wonderful to see such engaged and thoughtful responses from our pupils across the year groups.
Mathematics lessons and activities this week were filled with fun and challenge as our pupils explored the significance of Pi. Through hands-on activities and problem-solving tasks, they deepened their understanding of this remarkable number and its vital role in mathematical learning.
A highlight of the week was the outstanding assembly led by 1MH, who amazed us with their scientific learning about the natural world. They confidently explained the process of rainbow formation and reminded us of the awe and wonder that science brings as well as the important link between colours and our emotions. Their enthusiasm, growing knowledge and lovely singing were truly wonderful to see—bravo!
Meanwhile, our Year 4 pupils have been off on their residential trip to York. They’ve been delving into the city’s rich history, admiring its incredible architecture, and exploring how transport and technology have evolved over time. We can’t wait to hear all about their adventures upon their return!
Looking ahead to the weekend, our U11 footballers are preparing to travel to the West Country to compete in the national IAPS finals. Representing our region is a tremendous achievement, and we have no doubt that they will do us all proud. Best of luck to the team!
Our school community has also enjoyed some wonderful parent engagement this week. Year 5 parents joined us for Parent to Lunch, and we were delighted to receive such lovely feedback. Nursery and Reception parents attended Parents’ Evening on Wednesday to celebrate their children’s learning and progress, with discussions on the next exciting steps ahead.
Looking ahead to next week we have our Upper School Swimming Gala on Tuesday—an event always filled with great spirit and sportsmanship! Our Mothers’ Day Assemblies on Wednesday for Nursery and Reception, and on Friday for Lower School—a special time to celebrate and appreciate our wonderful mothers and carers. Year 1 to 3 Parents’ Evening takes place on Tuesday and Year 5 Parents’ Evening is on Thursday.
As always, thank you for your continued support. It is a joy to see our pupils thriving in so many ways.
Wishing you all a wonderful weekend ahead. Mr Phelan