February 15, 2024
Spotlighting Team Duncombe Art
Year 5 have enjoyed investigating Greek Art this half term. We have discussed the use of Greek vases for ancient Greeks and researched this area of Art. Often a story is being told or a Greek God or ancient Greek sport is depicted. Once the children designed their vases we had great fun using clay to sculpt a Greek vase on the pottery wheel. We also designed a Greek column using charcoal and pastel. So many ways to explore this area of study.
Year 6 have had fun with Optical Illusion Art this half term. We have been learning all about the graphic shapes and block colours it utilises, to create the illusion of movement or depth, exploiting the intricate ways in which the human eye perceives what we see. We have used the artist Bridget Riley as the focal point of our studies. The children very much enjoyed creating their own Optical Illusion Art with paper, pencils and pens, as well as using the Paint 3D App. Lots of fun was had investigating various creative ways to trick the eye.
Year 4 are currently studying the artist M.C. Escher and their work will be shown here after half term, once completed.
Mrs Simpson, Art Specialist Teacher